You secretly admired Miriam Prado way back from school but you weren’t that cook back then so she never gave you the chance to show her how you feel. Well, that was a long time ago. Right now you’re pretty loaded, with a nice apartment, jacuzzi, and stuff. She recently saw you on facebook and sent you a request so you guys catch up and after a few weeks of that, you guys agree to meet. She comes to your house and wows at how cute you’ve become, with the money and all. She wants you to give her a tour of the house and you gladly oblige. You begin from the guest rooms and down to your bedroom. She sees the jacuzzi and gets seduced instantly. She takes off her clothes and jumps in. You were shocked and lost in thoughts….you could see her lovely big tits and nice ass and they all stun you. Now you’re wondering if shes got a boyfriend because you want all these to be yours. Buckle up because this is going to be one hell of a ride. Let her give you a blowjob and after that, fuck her in the ass like you should have done years back. Brunettes are the best fuckers.
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