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Watch Lateron Use Lubes Properly; Learn What Type Of Lube You Should Use

When it comes to sex, it’s usually a lot better when it’s wetter. This logic is behind the production of lubes because they get you wet.

Personal lubricants are a wonderful thing, but you must understand how to use them before trying to use any lube product. There are so many types, and figuring this out on your own can be overwhelming.

Lateron model always uses lube to make sex more intense, and he always asks his partners what type of lube they prefer. It could be water-based lube, silicone-based lube, or oil-based lube. Knowing what kind of lube your partner likes is vital because using the wrong type of lube may ruin the moment. It is also crucial to understand how to use the different kinds of lube.

Here is why you should use lube

In this section, we will define the use of lube based on whether the sex acts involve the vagina or the anus. Let’s start with vaginal activities.

Sure, the vagina produces clear fluid that serves as a natural lubricant, but there are a number of factors that can affect the production of this fluid. To be clear, it is entirely ok to use lube regardless of how much vaginal lubricant is produced. In fact, studies reveal that women usually find sex more pleasurable when lube is used.

But if your vagina doesn’t produce sufficient lubricant on its own, then you should use lube whenever you are participating in sexual activity that involves friction.

Lube is also used to prevent tissue trauma, especially during anal sex. Unlike the vagina, the anus doesn’t produce any lubricants, so lubes are important to reduce the wear and tear of tissue during sex.

Here’s What You Should Know About the Three Types of Lube

Water-Based Lubes

As the name implies, this lube is made with water. They are very popular, and you can get them in your regular drug stores. Water-based lubes are thin and slippery, so it’s easy to clean off when the fun’s over.
Unfortunately, the drawback with water lubes is that they dry out quickly. So, you may have to apply more while sex is still on, and this can be a no-brainer for some people. Some water-based lubes also contain glycerin which can alter the vagina’s PH and lead to yeast overgrowth.
Overall, these are a safe choice, and they work really well with latex-safe sex barriers like external and internal condoms or dental dams.

Silicon-Based Lubes

Silicon-based lubes have a much thicker consistency which makes them more slippery. They also last longer than the water-based lubricant. They are recommended for anal or women with significant dryness and difficulty with anything insertional.
It is harder to wash off completely, so ensure you give it a proper rinse or bath once you’re done. You don’t have to worry about latex lubes ruining your condoms so you can have protected and pleasurable sex.
Oil Based Lubes

These are considered the biggest downfall of lubes because it degrades and breaks latex condoms. They are great for sex, but you should avoid them if you’re practicing safe sex or family planning with latex condoms.

There are various types of oil-based lubricants, but you can opt for coconut oil, gapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, or sunflower oil.

You can learn more by watching Lateron using this link.

Duration: min.
Angle of view: 180
FPS - frames per second: 60 fps

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