A simple guy never gets into a simple relationship. Somehow, this just happens to be true because you’re simple and have never gotten it simple. Your relationship with C18 has never been simple, has it Krillin? Originally on a mission to kill you and all of your friends, her feelings eventually shifted and you finally managed to win over the heart of this sexy blonde android with your kind heart and small tits. It also doesn’t hurt that you used a priceless, once in a lifetime wish granted by a dragon God to essentially save her life. I mean, you’ve done her a lot of favors in an effort to finally get inside that tight android slizz, but who’s counting right? This is one hell of an anime manga movie story. Anyway, C18 is finally ready to thank you, and not a day too soon. It’s time to find out if she fucks as well as she fights. The ass is in your court. Fuck it like you please. Let Rhiannon Ryder suck your erect cock like its Christmas. Fuck her wet pussy hardcore like its her last day on earth. Who knows…you might be asked to come fuck her on a live TV show.