It was quite a long week and the weekend is finally here. You start making plans to blow off the week-long accumulated steam with your hot brunette girl. You and Aiden Ashley had plans to spend the weekend together alone at her place, swimming in the pool, sunbathing, and fucking in the garden. She accepts and you guys plan your trip for the evening and the waiting begins. Unfortunately, some dark storm clouds are settling over town and it looks like you’ll have to stay indoors for the next couple days. There is a lot of fun to be had but that too can wait. No matter, you guys can still have a good time in the poolhouse. Aiden’s a little disappointed she didn’t get to show off her new bikini, but she’s got other things on her mind and in a matter of seconds it’s on the floor and your dick is in her mouth and once this slippery slut starts riding your cock, she can’t stop herself from squirting all over you. It doesn’t take too long fuck for her to climax an start squirting all over the place. Looks like you can’t avoid the rain after all.
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